- Tierra de Hackers
Tu noticiero de ciberseguridad hecho podcast.
- Darknet Diaries
True stories from the dark side of the Internet
- Pentester Land
You’ll find here write-ups, conference notes, cheatsheets, tips…
- Follow The White Rabbit
Security & Hacking Research Blog. We enjoy what we do, and we love to share it.
- Hackplayers
Computer security, ethical hacking and more!
- Underc0de
Hacking y seguridad Informática
- APIsec University
APIsec University offers free, hands-on courses dedicated to API Security.
- TCM Security Academy
Want to learn how to hack things without breaking the bank? We’ve got you covered.
- PentesterLab
We make learning web hacking and security easier. Online systems, code review, videos & courses that can be used to understand, test and exploit bugs!
- Malware Unicorn
Malwareunicorn.org provides workshops and resources for reverse engineering in the infosec space. Workshop content is now available.
- Backtrack Academy
Backtrack Academy plataforma de cursos online de hacking ético y seguridad informática.
- Curso Reversing
Curso de reversing desde cero en español
- Portswigger Academy
Web Security Academy
- PayloadsAllTheThings
A list of useful payloads and bypasses for Web Application Security.